“A splendorous, sparkling night” was a guest’s comment after seeing the 60th production of Victoriana in October. Delighting a full house on each of 27, 28 September, 4 and 5 October the ‘good old numbers’ just ‘popped’ under the solid control of 16 talented residents of the College who were supported by a handful of alumni and professional musicians. The old favourite songs were sprinkled with some refreshing new Victorian songs about food and childhood rivalry.

The cast included current students: Ryan Bond, Freya Carmody, Bryson Constable, Gabriel Desiderio, Charlotte Hocking , Annika Johnson, Helen Jordan, Max Philips, Felix Power, Sam Richards, Jack Rowe, Andrew Siu, Archie Taylor, Lachie Walter, and Bailey Yeates on the piano; staff members Brianna Louwen and Jack Stephens, alumni Patrick Massarani and Dr Bill Brooks on the piano. From beyond the College to sing was Nina Coombes, and our master of ceremonies Jonathan Borg. Guests artistes who appeared on certain nights were: James Bell, Matthew Manchester, Julian Brun and Simon Ward.
[Photos below by Matilda Johnson]

Supporting them in the all-student crew were: assistant director Max Philips; assistant producer Charlotte Toll; stage managers Andrew Siu and Sophie Bradshaw; stewards Orlando Throsby and Abigail Ballhausen; people at arms Ryan Bond, Jack Rowe, Greta Bourne, Archie Taylor and Mack Johnston; wardrobe Grace Morrow, Sophie Wright and Olivia McMillan; finance Jack Lockhart; music scores and props Luka Vujanovic; illustrator Ria Alva; and photographer Matilda Johnson. From outside our ranks: lighting Benjamin Johnston; and from the College kitchen TWG’s Chef Rob Sgroi and maîtres d’hôtel Cameron Blake and Jaya Daemion.
The great “anthems” of Victoriana, On the Road to Mandalay, If I Should Plant a Tiny Seed of love, and Land of Hope and Glory all raised the roof of the 1859 Dining Hall. The anniversary show attracted some of the gentlemen who helped bring this show to the College in 1964 including its producer Alan Walker and that show’s pianist Pauline Chriostopher Burrell. Sadly Pauline Lloyd Waddy, director of that show and responsible for bringing the production to St Paul’s, was unwell but was hailed during the proceedings for his legacy.
Congratulations to everyone in the cast and crew and to the 2024 director and producer our Director of Music, Jack Stephens.
For the link to the SMH article on Victoriana CLICK HERE
[photos below by Richard Morgan, Victoria Harper and Justin McLean]