Students’ Club Committee


Each resident of St Paul’s is a member of the Students’ Club. The Students’ Club Committee is a group of seven students who are annually elected by the Students’ Club to act as their leaders, representing them and organising the community and social life of the College. The Committee serves as a link between the students and the College staff, as well as appointing convenors to run College activities.

Convenorships are broad and far-reaching in their application (and aren’t without their quirks!). They may include running a Rawson Cup or Rosebowl sports campaign, the College Bar Syndicate, Lord Warden of the Mallets or College Vexillologist. At St Paul’s, student leadership is treasured, with the Students’ Club Committee working in partnership with staff on elements of the day-to-day functioning of the College.

The Committee is comprised of:

  • Senior Student – The prominent leadership role within the College, with responsibilities including chairing members of the Committee, regular meetings with the Warden and Council to discuss life at College, and representing the College at formal events.
  • Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer – These positions are the organisational backbones of the Committee, overseeing administrative logistics and the Students’ Club budget associated with the diverse activities of the Club.
  • General Committee – These members manage concerns that students or staff may have about issues such as catering, housekeeping, maintenance, management of the Salisbury and convenorships. They also liaise with Sydney University Sport and Fitness to organise the Rawson Cup and Rosebowl competitions and coordinate the Palladian Cup for music and performing arts. General Committee members are great contributors to College spirit, often at the forefront of crowds at Paul’s events, as well as the Rawson Cup, Rosebowl and Palladian Cup competitions.

These positions are voted in at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).


Live With Us

Friendship and community are at the heart of the Paul’s experience. Paul’s is a place where you are welcomed, respected and recognised for who you are. The College has a strong commitment to providing the best all-round educational experience for our students. The benefits of sharing the learning experience with fellow students are significant to all students who walk through these doors.