To unite all women

The main purpose of the Women’s Organisation is “to unite all women who through kinship, affection or sentiment are interested in the traditions and welfare of St Paul’s College”.

This translates into an organisation, created in 1927 and active today, with a current membership of about 300, run by an Executive and Committee elected at an Annual General Meeting held each May. President Ms Margie Sullivan, her executive and committee were elected at the 2019 AGM.

Various events are held each year. Events include a Welcome Week Afternoon Tea for new students and their parents, a mid-year cocktail party, the annual bridge card game day, a group booking for Victoriana!, and other social events to assist and encourage all parents, past and present and particularly those from beyond the Sydney metropolitan area, to visit and be engaged with their sons’ and daughters’ College.

Proceeds from events support special projects in the College. In recent years the Women’s Organisation has provided the drinking fountain near the Albert Wing archway, the sculpture “Chamber II” by Australian-Japanese sculptor Ayako Saito and floodlighting of buildings and jacarandas in the Quad. The work of the Women’s Organisation has been enduring raising much needed funds for the College including major works like the building of the College Chapel in 1959.

In addition, the Women’s Organisation has an ongoing commitment to provide the framing of the annual College photographs which are on display in the corridors.

This support is very much valued by members of St Paul’s College.

Press clipping: Sydney Morning Herald 14 August 1953: John Rowland (in College 1942-43), Miss Judy Harbison, Miss Libby Huxtable and Jeremy Long (in College 1950-53) at the dance held at the College by the Women’s Organisation to raise funds for the Memorial Chapel Fund. [Given to the Archives in 2020 by Jeremy Long]

SPCWO Executive

  • Patron – Mrs Susie Watson
  • President – Ms Margie Sullivan
  • Vice President – Mrs Julia Dixon
  • Vice President – Mrs Sally Hudson
  • Hon Treasurer – Mrs Kathy Mort
  • Hon Secretary – vacant
  • Committee – Mrs Lillian Armitage, Mrs Cindy Larsson, Mrs Katrina Matthews, Mrs Jocelyn McFarlain, Dr Pit Trent, Mrs Susie Waters, Mrs Karen White, Mrs Stephanie Wong,

Chamber II a garden scuplture by Ayako Saito donated to the College by the Women’s Organisation in 2017 to mark their 90th Anniversary