Convenorships are an important way for Freshers to become involved in College life and offer service to the College community. They also earn valuable room points in the process! Convenorships entrust members of the College with various voluntary tasks which provide appropriate, meaningful contributions to the life of the College.
Convenorships are appointed by the Students’ Club Committee after consultation with the Warden and relevant staff. With many convenorships available, there is generally more than one available for each student. These are powerful opportunities for residents to take on positions of considerable responsibility. Role descriptions are made available at the beginning of the semester, with room points awarded for well-executed convenorships.
Freshers are encouraged to volunteer for convenorships they feel able to take on. Convenors are appointed across areas including music, mail, sport, social activities and more.
Friendship and community are at the heart of the Paul’s experience. Paul’s is a place where you are welcomed, respected and recognised for who you are. The College has a strong commitment to providing the best all-round educational experience for our students. The benefits of sharing the learning experience with fellow students are significant to all students who walk through these doors.