Tutorials in academic writing are just one part of the offerings of the St Paul’s College Tutorial program. In September as Semester 2 moves rapidly towards finalisation of thesis work, major assignments and coursework reportage the Dean of Graduate House, Dr Antone Martinho-Truswell led a tute on writing for scholastic success “Writing with Beauty and Clarity”.
Antone is a graduate of Harvard University where he studied Neurobiology and has a doctorate in Zoology from Oxford, where he co-founded the Oxford Duckling Laboratory. Prior to his role at St Paul’s he was in the Department of Zoology at Oxford, where he was a Fellow and member of the governing body of Magdalen College, as well as a Lecturer in Biology at Pembroke College.
The talk focused on sentence structure and how to avoid the pitfalls of dense academic writing and provided undergraduates and post-graduates with the benefit of some practical skills development not generally available at the University.