Mia Baggett, Fresher 2023, is the first woman at Paul’s to be awarded a University of Sydney Blue for excellence in sport. Mia’s award was for one of just two Netball players representing the University in competition level. Mia is a national-level Netballer with ambition to play professionally for the Origin Australia Diamonds. She was also one of the stars of the history-making Paul’s netball team in Semester 1
Mia is one of our growing number of regional Paulines, her home is in Mudgee in the Central West of NSW. She is studying BEd(Primary).
We actually have two residents with Blues in College now. Mia joins Lucy Mauviel who was in Graduate House this year and came to us with a Blue in Athletics, received in 2022. Lucy has a World Athletics ranking and has represented the University at competition level.

There are well over 100 Paulines who have been awarded a University Blue since the inception of the award in 1892. The first Pauline awarded a Blue was Charles Louise Tange (in College 1878-80) for Rugby 1893-99.
A future project is to create the full list of recipients of a Blue for the archival record and future honour board.

From the College Collection – a University Blue from the 1930s, donated by Dick Rogers (in College 1931-35)