The Semester 1 academic results show an average Semester Average Mark (SAM) of 74.2%. On previous results the College’s SAMs continues an upward trend with Semester 1 SAMs being beaten year after year.
The College community congratulates the 2024 undergraduate Paulines on their hard work and commitment to their studies, as half the current students attained Distinctions or High Distinctions.
Our high achievers include Ben Varela (BE(Hons) II/BSc) with a SAM of 94.5 who commented: “I’m extremely fortunate, I study a degree I enjoy at one of the best universities in Australia with a caring family and fantastic friends to back me up. Even with this, it’s hard to imagine a greater fortune than living at St. Paul’s. Yes, I’ve been continually challenged by my residence and study, but it’s only been to my benefit. I’ve learnt how to use tools of self-development and how to hold a hopeful outlook toward the world, which I hope to share through my future career in biomedical engineering.”
Grace Merrilees (BSc I/MD) was our top performing fresher with a SAM of 94.25. Grace said: “I would say that my first year of study at university has had its ups and downs, and it took me a while to get my bearings. I have been fortunate to have had the support of like-minded intellectuals from the outset, particularly through St Paul’s’ incredible tutorial program. Being a part of a community that allows you to learn from senior students has been invaluable, and has pushed me to achieve my personal best. Furthermore, I am excited by my continuing studies in Anatomy, and later Medicine, and hope this will allow me to maintain academic momentum through upcoming semesters.”
The Graduate House community includes 15 research students and 29 Doctor of Medicine (MD) students progressing well. There are 35 coursework students with an impressive average SAM of 73.3%.
There were 360 tutorials completed in Semester 1 with the majority in Commerce, Engineering and Medicine. The tutorial programme continues to be one of the most important advantages of the student experience at St Paul’s and enjoys great support among all students particularly due to the contribution of our 3rd and 4th year undergraduates who are tutors and the postgraduate members of Graduate House who provide such value to the programme.
Acting Senior Tutor Lucy Williams has thanked the tutors and her assistant senior tutors on their efforts so far. She said “Tutorials are a great setting for freshers to be guided through the new joys and frustrations of university life. As well as deepening their subject knowledge, College tutorials help first years adjust to the unique demands of tertiary study. It’s also an important opportunity for our seniors to gain valuable mentoring and critical thinking experience before entering the workforce.”
Our Assistant Senior Tutor – Medicine, Arnav Shetty has been overseeing the tutorial programme for our MD students in Graduate House. The programme provides weekly content and clinical tutorials run by the senior medical students for MD I and II.
Innovations in 2024 have included:
- clinical and anatomy tutorials alongside weekly content sessions;
- a full-length practice clinical exam, with physical examination, history taking, and results interpretation session, run for MD I to help prepare for this unique and novel form of assessment;
- GAMSAT specialist section tutorials from high-scoring medical students have been ongoing in anticipation of the September sitting, a system that will continue into the new year;
- a specialist radiology tutorial run by resident consultant radiologist Dr Rathan Subramaniam; and
- a joint formal dinner where GH medical students and medicine-keen undergraduates mingled and discussed the course content and tips for success.
Arnav congratulated the MD III students who recently completed their MD projects, he said “this is a 14-week research experience where students work on an individual research project and produce written work worthy of publication. Their research will be presented to Graduate House at a symposium later this year.” Arnav also acknowledged the MD IV students who have recently completed their last examinations for their degree. “They will be engaged in clinical and leadership workshops and placement in their specialty of choice for the remainder of the year” he said.

Students interested in medical school and want to have a chat about requirements, pathways, and pace of the course may contact Arnav at 045 2175360.
Old Paulines may be interested to learn about the Medical Alumni Scholarships that have been operating for the last 14 years. Click here if you want to learn more.